Main Page

From Beeropedia
Revision as of 01:34, 15 April 2007 by Whip (talk | contribs) (add dutch beer)
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Welcome to Beeropedia

(ex)Invizage guys, check out our events page at Current Events

We are working towards making this site the one stop shop for everything beer related. At the moment, us regulars are adding beers we have personal experiece with, but we will be expanding this.

We are also looking at comparision charts, allowing quick selection of beer to meet your beer drinking criteria. Listing by type is also on the cards, to allow fellow beer drinkers to find a beer that is similar to their favourite amber ale.

The only page that is locked, is this one. Simply due to it being the front page, we need to keep it presentable 100% of the time. If you have any suggestions though, please let me know ([email protected]), and I will gladly give you editing access.

All other pages are open for editing, as well as creating new pages. We will appreciate all constructive additions and edits made - exactly why this is in wiki format.

Now, onto the beer...

Beer by Country

Misc pages

Don't forgot to check out the Recent Changes, to keep up to date with the latest additions and changes.

Links to various pics

We are also inviting you to upload your own pics. Doesn't matter if they are pics of you drinking, pics of beers, or something else beer related - just trying to get this site a little more content and media rich :)